Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do u take supplements?

Do you take supplements?
YES, I do ! 

  I do take five sort of supplements everyday;OMEGA (ALASKA FISH OIL),CO Q10, VITAMIN C,AOJIRU(it's from Japan. It's kind a vegetable stuff)and The lactic bacteria(LAB).

What led you to this decision?

   I take them because of my life style,especially food,has far less nutrients than it daily requirements.I wouldn't like to rely on my supplements,but  If I take 100 kinds of  vegetables and fruits a day,I don't think I will be able to leave off to take supplements.

One of my supplements deceived me :(

          IT'S FISH OIL !!!! YOU !!!!

  Omega-3 fatty acids,commonly found in fatty fish such as salmon and some vegetable oils,may reduce inflammation and lower triglyceride levels,making them good for cardiovascular health.Since our bodies can't make them we have to consume them,and there are longstanding debates about whether that's best done through supplements or foods.

  A study in the journal of american Medical Association found that fish oil supplements weren't linked with a lower risk of death from all causes,cardiac deaths or sudden deaths,nor were they associated with reduced odds of having a stroke or heart attack.

However, I would keep taking the supplements for conscience' sake.