Thursday, February 28, 2013

an awesome hair arrangement!!!

Can you see the ribbon in the middle on her head ? It's made from her hair!!!

It's adorable and also elegant.If you are not teenager, you would hesitate to wear ribbons. However, this hair style makes more sexier than cuter.

And it's not so complicated to make it. 

try it !!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Double F: Food VS Fitness

      Having Michelin food, even it is the 1 star food, everyone loves it. When you see a lot of delicious food on the table, you would love to eat all of them. However, most of the delicious food have too much salt, oil and so on which can cause your health problem. Therefore, it is the choice to choose food or fitness.

      Doing gym at the gym around 1 hour will make you feel better after eating all of the delicious food. However, you will feel so tired after the gym.  Therefore, a lot of people they do not like to go to the gym that often. So they become fat which is a nightmare for everyone especially girls.
      Thats the reason you need to choose between food and fitness. For me, food is just my life. Maybe I am short and a bit chubby but food always come first:D

Sunday, February 17, 2013

virgin atlantic airline

most times when i fly back to japan I travel with virgin atlantic, they are helpful and is a more relaxing airline to take compared to the other one.
HistoryVirgin atlantic actually used to be called laker airways which was set up after the falkland wars and so the idea was for people to be able to fly from england to the falklands. It was firstly set up by a man called randolph fields, who later on met Richard Branson at a party in london and decided to be business partners. There were many troubles involved with the company during this period and fighting about the operations of the airline. Field died from cancer in later years, but had been able to see the positive changes that had become of his airline, now called Virgin Atlantic, recently which just became a part of the Skyteam. 
It is an English company which is part of the Sir Richard Branson virgin group.n june 22nd in 1984 the company was set up. It first only came from gatwick and Newark using the boeing 747 200. Virgin atlantic made large profits in the first 12 months that it had been set up in. In 1986 another boeing 747 was added to the company. Now the company also flew to New york. Tokyo was the next flight added in 1989. VIrgin atlantic has not only just been a form of transport, but also has helped in disasters. In october in 2005, It helped with the earthquake in islamabad, Pakistan with 55 tones of foods and goods that would help with the victim of the kashmir earthquake.
Currently the company has been testing using bio fuels. In 2008 the planes tried to use plant based bio fuels, which was 20% of it's energy. It is now testing algae based fuels. 
Upper class here is just perfect, as you see here there is even a really cool  bar. if you are bored on a long flight.

In 2011 virgin atlantic travelled 5.3 million passengers, making it the eight largest Uk airline in the term of passenger volume.  In 2012 the company made a loss of 80.2 million pounds on a turnover of  2,7040 million pounds. So the size of it is HUGE....... 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Victoria secret.... the dream girls!

Do you like the dream girls???

There has been big news about the new victoria secret store opening in London, it has been very busy and popular. A step above la senza, the store is very big and introduced a new variety of interesting outfits. It is the largest american lingerie seller, mainly for sexy underwear, famous for the models that walk the catwalk also. it was founded by roy raymond in 1977. 

Victoria secret started doing their yearly fashion shows in 1995, shown live on american TV. Heidi klum, Tyra banks and Stephanie Seymoor are only few of the famous models that walk the catwalk. by 2011 the victoria secret catwalk was 12 million more dollars than the first show of 120,000.

And they don、 make sexy underwear. No actually they now have a nice sports clothes line. I love Heidi Klum, often shown as the lead model in wowing outfits. Her famous being the Angel of the show. Yes, she to me leads the show. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An amazing oshibori art :)

Have you heard 'oshibori' before? In Japan, in a restaurant you would be served a towel after you have a seat.  'oshibori ' are used to clean one's hands before eating.

These days , oshibori art becomes famous among young people,which is easy to play with their friends especially drinking times.

It's amazing technique for making kinds of things.

Hmmmmm It seems be hard.......

not enough.......???

 You can get a app , you may get rewards by mastering how to make some works.oshibori art is the art that helps you have fun with everyone!  

try it !:)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Say goodbye to the Year of the Dragon and welcome the Year of the Snake!!!!

Happy Chinese New year, æ–°å¹´å¿«æ¨‚!!!! 

The chinese new year  should be importante dates in a year for chinese people. 2013 is the year of the snake,it believes a snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family won't starve.

I cerebrate for the Chinese New Year to eat chinese yummy foods with my beautiful friend :)    

have a nice Chinese New Year !!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Do u wanna go to travel???

I LOVE traveling in the world. Especially, in a winter period, it provokes me to going to somewhere else. I've been to so many countries so far. I just want pick my favorite countries up !!!!

No.3     Bali island

 Bali is a province in the country of indonesia.  It's highly developed arts,including traditional and moden dance, sculpture, painting and music. you can also enjoy a bungy jumping ,skydiving,mountain trekking ,elephant safaris and so on.

No.2 Taketomi island

Taketomi island (竹富島) is an island in the yaeyama district of Okinawa prefecture.The population of taketomi island is just 323. 

This island is famous for its beautiful beaches and hoshisuna, meaning 'star-sand',which is composed of the remains of tiny sea animals.

Taketomi is also known for its traditional 'Ryukyuan houses', stone walls,and sandy streets, making it popular with tourists.' Shisa' is a traditional ryukyuan decoration,often in pairs.people place pairs of shisa on their rooftops or flanking the gates to thire houses.people believes that 'shisa' protects from some eviles.when in pairs,the left 'shisa' traditionally has a close mouth ,the right one an open mouth.The open mouth wards off evil spirits,and the closed mouth keeps good spirits in.


Dubai is amazing place EVER!!! Dubai is a city-state in the United Arab Emirates.Dubai is extremely rich country, you can see a huge amount of gold in everywhere.


 I went to gold souk to get   a ring. it's much cheaper than other places.

In my opinion,if you have a plenty of money it's enough to enjoy in there lot .However, even you can't afford to buy gold or expensive stuff, you can enjoy just walk around the city, just like me ;)  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

chocolate Ramen Valentine's day in Japan??

Valentine's day is coming after one week!!! Coming near Valentine's day, you will see Valentine's gifts in everywhere.

 St. Valentine's Day began as a liturgical celebration of Christian saints named Valentinus. He was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire.during his prison life , he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a say goodbye to her.

In the world, there are many celebration ways for valentine's day. 


Valentine's day in japan is the day that a girl give chocolate to their loved one, to tell him how she feels about him.Around a valentine's day, when a girl may give chocolate,it'll be that there many boys who throbbed. There is a special phrase for the chocolate given to non-attractive men on Valentine's Day.It's called 'gili- choko',which  is especially gave to their boy friends or colleagues.

This is an incredible convention food on Valentine's Day ever!!!

 Japanese chocolate manufacturer 'Lotte' is teaming up with popular ramen shop Menya Musashi to create a chocolate flavoured ramenApparently, it wasn't not bad . 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

funny accents :)

I've been staying in England for six months already, but still struggle 

to learn English grammar and speaking. 

Studying a second language gives you a new sense of values and opportunities to 

share and a different culture and so on. Especially in Japanese, it's hard to pronounce 

'r' and'l' sounds because japanese doesn't differentiate the sounds of 'r' and 'I' when 

speaking . This video below shows a japanese boy speaking In English with a strong 

japanese accent.

 However, The guy seems to exaggerate a 

bit the expressions with a strong 

japanese accent when speaking in 

English, but I'm impressed with his 

imitation skills. 

Living and studying in the UK offers me the possibility to practice my english 

accent even though I do not apparently have a strong japanese one when speaking, 

but some people have the ability to easily learn and imitate a language more than 

others. The following video illustrates a boy who imitates different accents in the 

english language. Even though it looks like he was naturally gifted to imitate accents, 

I think that it takes a lot of practice and training to reach this level !

Monday, February 4, 2013

What is a true 'friendship' ???

During the first week of university , every freshers aims to find friendship as soon as possible. Even though the personalities of people and the multicultural environment makes us all different, we still love to have friendship to go through the loneliness that may occur in the student lifestyle.
This comes to ask ourselves with the following question ? Are all the relationships true and based on real values ? or just fake with no real attachement ?

When I was 14, I met a 'friend'. She was older than me but we naturally clicked really quickly. we started hanging out everyday doing activities such as shopping and dinning outside whenever. In the beginning, I was always lending money to her. From my point of view money should not affect a true friendship. However, as time went by, she started not paying back her debts and I slowly realised her real intentions. So I was thinking: actually what is our friendship based on? was she just using me?

In real life, we meet different kind of people as we get older. Some of them are a few years older than us, some of them are younger. Sometimes, we love to hangout with more older and mature people, sometimes with the opposite. The feeling of those different groups are different. Have you ever thought about and why?
Actually, until now, I dont know as well. But after this story, what do you think?  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

☆The beautiful words ☆

For beautiful eyes,look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
                                                              -Audrey Hepburn-

  I think this quote is quite impressive and also really true by my experience.There are also the same kind of expression in Japan . So the beauty is not just about appearances but also about what is truly inside in a person and their personality. Other than appearance, words can reflect someone's kindness and the way you express yourself will impact other people's opinion about you in a good or bad way depending on the words you choose.

Some times you may get mad at your friends or your family. At such a time as this, you should speak nicely to them then you feel much better :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

DRINKING tonight ????? :)

Thank god it's weekend!!!!  This week has been very busy and the best way to enjoy your weekend is to regroup with some friends around a good bottle of wine or meet up at your favourite local bar or club. University demands a lot of work but we as students mustn't forget the social side of it, meeting new people or enjoying our time is as important as getting good grades.
don't you think so??

Unfortunately this aspect of university may varie depending on where you study. One of the most common activities is going out and DRINKING ! especially if you study in a small university with no other fun extra scholar activities. One good way to prepare is drinking games ! Here is my top 3 games for you to try with your friends:


3. Flip Cup

Another game where all you need is cups, beer and friends. To play create two teams of equal size and give each player half a drink. When the game starts the team members at the end of the table must chug their beer, set the cup on its top and use their fingers to flip the cup right-side up. What follows is a relay race where each member of the team must finish and flip their cup. The first team to finish wins.

2. Kings

Also known as Circle of Death, Ring of Fire requires just a cup, a deck of cards and some creativity. Spread the deck of cards around a single cup and have players choose from the deck at random. Each card has a different rule decided on by the house that can vary from "Take a drink and go again (Ace)," "Nine Nine Bust a Rhyme (Nine)" and the ever obnoxious "Questions (Queen)." The only constant rule is that when a player draws a king, they must pour as much (or as little) of their beer into the center cup. The person who draws the fourth king must then chug whatever combination of alcohol the game has produced, ending the game.

1. Beer Pong

Beer Pong is possibly the most famous drinking game amongst university students. To play this game you will need a ping pong table, a small ball and plastic cups. The rule is to throw the ball into you rivals cup to make him drink, each player has one shot per round. It's a very simple game that combines endurance and concentration. This is the reason why it is my top 1 recommendation drinking game !

Here is a link to nice instructional video :

Enjoy your weekend !