Saturday, February 2, 2013

DRINKING tonight ????? :)

Thank god it's weekend!!!!  This week has been very busy and the best way to enjoy your weekend is to regroup with some friends around a good bottle of wine or meet up at your favourite local bar or club. University demands a lot of work but we as students mustn't forget the social side of it, meeting new people or enjoying our time is as important as getting good grades.
don't you think so??

Unfortunately this aspect of university may varie depending on where you study. One of the most common activities is going out and DRINKING ! especially if you study in a small university with no other fun extra scholar activities. One good way to prepare is drinking games ! Here is my top 3 games for you to try with your friends:


3. Flip Cup

Another game where all you need is cups, beer and friends. To play create two teams of equal size and give each player half a drink. When the game starts the team members at the end of the table must chug their beer, set the cup on its top and use their fingers to flip the cup right-side up. What follows is a relay race where each member of the team must finish and flip their cup. The first team to finish wins.

2. Kings

Also known as Circle of Death, Ring of Fire requires just a cup, a deck of cards and some creativity. Spread the deck of cards around a single cup and have players choose from the deck at random. Each card has a different rule decided on by the house that can vary from "Take a drink and go again (Ace)," "Nine Nine Bust a Rhyme (Nine)" and the ever obnoxious "Questions (Queen)." The only constant rule is that when a player draws a king, they must pour as much (or as little) of their beer into the center cup. The person who draws the fourth king must then chug whatever combination of alcohol the game has produced, ending the game.

1. Beer Pong

Beer Pong is possibly the most famous drinking game amongst university students. To play this game you will need a ping pong table, a small ball and plastic cups. The rule is to throw the ball into you rivals cup to make him drink, each player has one shot per round. It's a very simple game that combines endurance and concentration. This is the reason why it is my top 1 recommendation drinking game !

Here is a link to nice instructional video :

Enjoy your weekend !